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Mind Body Spirit Fayre, Waterlooville

  • HSDC South Downs College College Road Waterlooville, England, PO7 8AA United Kingdom (map)

I will be offering the following:

  • 20 minute taster sessions of Intuitive Energy Healing, which is a combination of reiki, crystal healing and intuitive shamanic healing techniques.

Ideal for relaxation and peace of mind, or if you feel the call it can be used for deep heart healing and a greater connection to self.

  • 20 minute taster sessions of my Oracle & Tarot card readings service.

Attuned intuitively to the divine truth and inspiration that a card reading can offer, I create a safe space of discovery for you. Ideal if you are seeking guidance and clarity in an area of your life, or if you feel the call to dig deeper a reading can be used to explore your shadows and excavate parts that no longer serve you.

  • 30 minute combination of both above services

  • hand made spell jars

Crafted with intention, sealed with love, activated with magic and infused with reiki.

Looking forward to seeing you there.

£2 entrance fee, under 15’s are free. Loads of stalls for all your spiritual, health, wellness and witchy needs.

3 September

Mind Body Spirit Fayre, Park Gate

29 October

Mind Body Spirit Fayre, Bishops Waltham