What a day, we are welcoming in not only the Spring Equinox but Aries season too; which also means we’re kicking off the start of the astrological New Year - ooooffff, here we go! Equal days and nights are finally upon us, and we forge forward into the growing green head first; the fiery ram energy making waste of any dead wood we may still be carrying from our winter slumber. Ask yourself: do you want to simply resurrect as the person you were all those months ago, or be reborn and step forth into the world anew? 

Take a moment to settle your mind, and tune in to the voice within; focus on the cards and pick the pile you are most drawn to. Scroll down for the medicine your heart needs at this turning of the wheel.. 



 You are being called to get out of the firing line and find a space to connect back in with spirit, for there are things you need to hear my love. The heat is too hot where you are standing and the flames are being fuelled through misalignment of soul and self. Slip out of the frying pan, and into the cooling Atlantean waters; water is a tool for connection, immerse yourself here and listen to the sacred messages it holds for you. You must calm your mind in order to calm the waters, as you cannot gain the insight you require in turbulent seas - divine clarity is gifted only to those who master this skill. Spend time in meditation to awaken your perception, expand your sense of seeing past that of sight; become receptive to the realms of spirit that are accessible through the Third Eye Chakra. Access has been granted but it is up to you to journey to the gate. Invite dolphin energy to guide you to this place of inner wisdom, shedding all that’s making you drag in the water along the way. 

To assist you in becoming centred and receptive to the guidance that wants to come through:

  • meditate (if you are new to this, I recommend short guided ones at first)

  • play 852hz frequency music (easily accessible on youtube), 

  • water bathe and gaze

  • pay attention to your dreams

  • use crystals; lapis lazuli, amethyst, labradorite 


You are being called to express yourself, genuinely and sincerely. Softly softly, ease into the space at your Sacral Chakra, there are emotional wounds here that need to be healed. Like entering ‘the hall of mirrors’ ride at a fairground, it may feel jarring at first; reflections full of shame and fear, the judgement of self comes naturally. Each aspect you see staring back produces a different emotional response; tears blur the border between sadness and laughter. Your gut is guiding you my love, listen to the sweet voice of your intuition, call on swan energy for grace. Acknowledge your truth beneath the scars and weeping sores; step away from control and suppression and allow your wounds to heal. By directing your energy into a healthy current, you can loosen your grip and find your flow. The end of the maze will come into sight and your emotional landscape will settle, allowing you to step out into the world balanced and transformed. With conscious choice and allowing, your inner light will shine with authenticity and joy once again.

To assist you in finding that sweet intuitive spot within:

  • play 417hz frequency music (easily accessible on youtube), 

  • movement (dancing, swimming, walking)

  • creative self-expression (from a place that brings you joy)

  • sensual exploration 

  • use crystals; carnelian, tigers eye, fire agate


You are being called to step forth into the light my love, to fully embody the light in fact and stand in your power. Your bravery in walking through the shadows has led you down through the valleys of personal transformation, and you are now nearing the other side. The sun is rising out beyond the rocks, yet you find yourself holding back; there’s safety in the shadows. This is not the time to linger, you must continue forward with the same remarkable strength you’ve shown thus far. You feel the solar force pulling you, coxing you to step out and reconnect to your path of purpose; it is time to move with courage in the direction of your goals. Call on cheetah’s boundless energy; reconnect to the why and you’ll find yourself filled with passionate momentum. You are emblazoned with gold, now is not the time to hold yourself back from the sun's rays for fear of shining too brightly - shrinking serves no one. 

To assist you in keeping that inner flame blazing:

  • play 528hz frequency music (easily accessible on youtube), 

  • create a game plan to achieve your goals

  • sunbathe and gaze

  • use crystals; citrine, pyrite, yellow jasper

  • join my ‘From the Belly of the Sun Workshop’, find out more here.


Intuitive Energy Healing and Intuitive Card Readings sessions available; pop me a message to book. Further info under the ‘My Services’ tab.

My services are available online, at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire or from the comfort of your own home (location dependant).

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