Under this Full Moon we are shedding skins 🐍

What residue remains upon you from the transformative fallout of the recent eclipse portal; shake off any last remnants of the old that are blocking your growth. Ask yourself what is best for you moving forwards? Answer this question genuinely, see the truth of what in your life no longer aligns to the person you want to be. Scorpio demands nothing less than complete authenticity with its powerful death and rebirth tonic. Use this energy to fuck off all that doesn’t serve you, so you can move forward and serve the world as you were born to do.

Pick a card for a bit of medicine for the heart; close your eyes, calm your mind and centre your energy at your heart space. Take a few deep breaths before opening your eyes and choose the pile you are most drawn to. Scroll across to see your cards, and scroll down for your reading.

If you want to dig a little deeper with a personal reading, pop me a message to book; available online or at my studio in Eastleigh. 

πŸŒ• ♏️


Full moon catharsis is coming in strong, cry my pretty - cry! Tap into that deep divine feminine energy that flows within you, and give yourself over to all those feels you’ve been pushing back for some time now. Resistance is futile with Scorpios input, do not fight against it, allow yourself to be vulnerable and release all those emotions you’ve been storing up. Acknowledge them, honour them, kiss them and let them go.

There is a gateway open to you, but you cannot take this weight with you. It may be hard to let go, but it is time. You deserve a life free of the pain and suffering they bring to you, soften into any internal resistance and allow the salt of your tears to cleanse your soul. Do not be afraid to open up my love, the rite of passage there for you will bring gentle change to your world and much needed healing to your heart.


With the power of release that a full moon brings, we clear the way to make space for more magick in our lives. This illuminating transformative process of cord cutting and letting go is what serves us best, so that we can grow and flourish abundantly.

Take stock of your life; the triple goddess indicates that taking an overarching view of your past, present and future will serve you best at this time. This indicates a huge life turning point, so co-create your path forward with spirit. What do you want your future to look like? End and start this cleansing process with this question, make all decisions with this in mind.

What needs to stay firmly in the past? Send it one last kiss goodbye and give thanks for the lessons it gifted you. Sort through the present like you would organise your belongings for downsizing; does your future sparkle extra bright because of its presence, is it absolutely necessary for your path right now, is it done with but can be up-cycled and repurposed, or does it simply need to be kicked to the curb. There is no holding on for holding on sakes allowed, the more brutal you are with clearing space the more magick you can invite in.


You are enough, just as you are! You know this, you have journeyed so far on the road of self love and acceptance - it is now time to remove any remaining dead wood so you can pass through this rite of passage and step fully into the power of plenty.

You are ready for this, it is time to stop making yourself small so that others can feel big. Take up all the space you need as you fully embrace the truth of who you are. Out with the old under this full moon, cross this threshold with all seeing eyes and a roar of authenticity. This is a massive milestone, one you have worked tirelessly to get to; pass through with your head held high and your courageous heart shining. Let go, rise up, and let the world know you have arrived!


