Amor, confía medicina 🪶

For my heart. For your heart. For all hearts.

On the last night, Sam Garrett Music sang oh so sweetly to Mama Earth as dusk drew in. Dancing among the towering trees, it was as if the black and white turned to colour before me.

The love that had been building in me all weekend, a kaleidoscope of sunshine, rain and mud; of dancing, singing and prayer; of connection, laughter and divine union. There were no literal fireworks, but explosions of hope and pure joy were clear to see all around me. It lit up the faces of the strangers in the crowd, a knowing, a welcoming - we are not strangers at all, we are one. It illuminated the swaying branches of the trees, they were singing back to us with such gratitude - thank you they said, we are one.

Sparking me with the purest sense of love and belonging. Showering me with gifts of abundance, rejuvenation and hope.

This is the Medicine.


“You want birds to be able to fly underwater. You want love to trump power. You want humanity to relate to each other as equals and recognise the sacredness in you and in the world around you. You want to unleash the beauty that hides in even the ugliest of scenes or sentiments. You want to make possible what others say cannot be. You are a radical dreamer, a sacred rebel, and you bring the light of a more positive future in this world.”
- ‘Against the Grain’, Alana Fairchild


Thank you Medicine Festival, what pure magick you create!

Intuitive Energy Healing and Intuitive Card Readings sessions available; pop me a message to book. Further info under the ‘My Services’ tab.

My services are available online, at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire or from the comfort of your own home (location dependant).

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