Halfway between the Winter solstice and Spring equinox lies Imbolc. A Pagan day of celebration, for spring is starting to stir after the struggle of the long dark. Earth gently awakens, the darkness continues to recede; a time of new beginnings and hope.

Today the Celtic deity Brigid is revered, for she arrives with her gifts of fire, fertility and healing. Bringer of the light, her vital life force energy shines upon us in our winter wombs. It is thought that the word Imbolc comes from the Old Irish Imbolg, which means ‘In the belly’. Although originally referring to the lambing season's pregnant ewes, I feel this also represents the cocoon into which the human spirit retreats in the winter season. This is where we have been, softly sleeping in mothers dark void. She calls out, her voice cracking the chrysalis that contains us, allowing her light to seep in. Brigid's light now coaxing us from slumber, “it’s almost time” she whispers.

Slowly slowly, we don’t need to emerge and burst into the world until spring. Brigid is heralding our potential for rebirth and growth, she encourages us to cleanse and clear out anything that may stand in our way of blossoming. A time to purify, remove obstacles and plant seeds of intent, all with hope of what we may grow to be.

Light a candle tonight and give thanks for the threshold at which we sit, for this turning of the wheel. Let Brigid inspire you, allow her fire to bring you warmth and send it to those places within that may still require healing.

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My Combined Sessions are ideal right now; the reiki based energy healing will assist with cleansing your cocoon and ensuring you are working from a clean slate, whilst the card reading will offer clarity for those seeds you may like to plant. Pop me a message to book: further info available under the ‘My Services’ tab.

My services are available online, at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire or from the comfort of your own home (location dependant).

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