This is our second Full moon in Capricorn. We are not only closing a cycle from the last full moon, but this last month has been highlighting patterns that we have repeated throughout our lives. This is an opportunity for big karmic closure, for these things to be put to rest once and for all. 

It’s as if we have been walking through a labyrinth; if you have been using this period as the gift from the cosmos that it has been and worked through whatever has been dredged up, this Full moon will bring you to an opening and a new path to meander down - joyful and deserved release from the past. If you haven’t allowed the space for reflection, walking to avoid the shadows, you may find yourself stuck in the maze until these lessons have been learnt. 

Pick a card for a bit of heart medicine as you (hopefully) close out this chapter.

Close your eyes, calm your mind and centre your energy at your heart space. Take a few deep breaths before opening your eyes and choose the pile you are most drawn to. Scroll down for your reading.

♑️ 🌕

Lost in the labyrinth? Send me a message to book a personal reading with me.

My services are offered online or at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire. Gift Vouchers are also available. 


Oh my love, it is time to set yourself free from the hurts that have caused the defences to rise up around your heart. You’ve got to allow yourself to soften, forgive and move on. Ask yourself, what has been standing in the way of you letting love in?

Repair whatever has been damaged but also be honest with yourself about where amends are unviable or simply unnecessary. Some things just need to be let go, holding on to grudges and resentments does nobody any good. There will be no winners if you stay stuck where you’re at, so bring your energy back to yourself and set off on a new journey. In walking away you will create positive change, and that will ripple beautifully outward into the world.

These wounds have been bought to the surface this past month so that a great severing can occur. If you have been in avoidance of the difficult emotions and fears that have risen, take some time today to bravely sit in the shadows - this is how you will find your way back to love. If you have been doing the work, know you are on the home stretch to emotional freedom - let this shit go once and for all with the moon and be born anew.


You have been going through a huge period of personal transformation, likely out of view from the world. You are on the verge of meaningful change, don’t resist this. Embrace the change by releasing yourself from the past and surrendering to the present. 

When we push our bodies when they are calling for rest, we hit a brick wall of fatigue. If you have not allowed yourself the space for tenderness and rest, then gift this to yourself now. It is not sustainable to keep pushing through when we reach the point of exhaustion, in fact, it will take us longer to recover than if we had just allowed ourselves to rest in the first place. Slow the fuck down, replenish and allow the inner purging for your personal transformation to occur.

You are releasing what no longer serves you so that you can make space for the new to emerge, give yourself permission to grow and you’ll be surprised at what doors open to you. You will find your voice returns stronger than ever and you are able to express how you are truly feeling. Don’t hold back from sharing what's on your mind - you never know how your honesty may inspire. 


You are being called to surrender yourself to the greater divine workings of the universe and the natural flow of life. Take yourself out of the space of ‘my will’ and place yourself under ‘thy will’, you will find that it is much easier to catch your breath there. 

When we are acting from a space of force, trying to bend our realities to look how we want them to, this pushing is very much coming from the divine masculine within. This is a great and powerful energy but is not beneficial for you at this time. Connect with the divine feminine energies of the Empress instead, embody her natural gifts of fertility. Honour and tend to yourself through her soft eyes of compassion and unwavering support. Surrender to her nurturing and allow yourself to receive, in doing so the potential of your harvest will be far grander.


