Ding Dong Merrily on High.. Christmas month has begun 🌟

Pick a Card for the your dose of Heart Medicine to get you through the festivities..

πŸŽ„ (Smashing Chrimbo Dec from the beautiful Jade Muat-Dodd, an amazing small business owner you should absolutely check out!) πŸŽ„



What do you no longer need? What are you holding on to that doesn’t serve you anymore? You have been carrying too much, and this weight means you can’t use your wings to get your feet off the ground.

You are being called to converse with spirit, and ask for assistance to clear the worries and woes that keep you bound. Lighten your load and reduce your burdens, so you can soar once again. Where in your life can you clear space? From height you will gain a new perspective, the bird's eye view to be exact, and from here you’ll understand where to fly next.



Bask in the glory of all that you have grown and nurtured so far, as a new dawn is coming. You have been growing, shifting, changing; creating your life from a place of love and deep compassion. Now is the time to hold that close, to take a moment to truly appreciate the abundance you’re surrounded by.

A new beginning is imminent, an exciting new frontier to venture towards. Before the dawn breaks on a new day, before the perspective of your life looks different once again, soak up all the glory of the chapter that is closing. Celebrate and give gratitude, and find contentment in the ending, so you garner the same from the new start.



Set your inner dial to childlike innocence this festive season. Bask in the tinsel and make-believe, and get writing your deepest desires to Santa. What is it that you long for?

With a pure heart and a soul full of glee, hope is a much easier concept to hold on to. And hope will help you bring your dreams into reality. Hope that whatever it is that gets you as excited as a kid on Christmas morning can come to fruition, it can be yours. If you build it, they shall come! Anything seems possible when we hold hope close, so make your prayers to ol’ Saint Nick, with true belief that the old man is listening.


If you want to dig a little deeper into the month ahead, book in for your own Oracle/Tarot Card Reading. Gift Vouchers also available, for any service or amount.

My services are available online, at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire or from the comfort of your own home (location dependant).

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