The Full Moon energy will be ramping up this weekend - think pressure cooker intensity, with a side of WTF. Where are you finding yourself utterly mystified? Where’s the heavy in your world that needs to get gone?

Pick a card for your dose of Heart Medicine 🤍


Oh, sing, sweet nightingale, sing!

You are being called to use that voice of yours, for speech or for song, it matters not as long as what you are holding in your heart is vocalised. Although your voice may be strained, and it may feel as if the lump in your throat will never go away, now is the time to endure, to communicate honestly from the depths of your soul.

The Nightingale doesn’t draw you in with showy plumage, this simple bird could almost go unnoticed; it is its sweet poetic melody that grabs you, making the world slow as it transports you to another place. That is the power of the voice, of YOUR voice. What you have to say, what you long to sing, is so important my love. Take the time to ensure the path between your throat and heart chakra is unobstructed so your truth can be shared. It doesn’t matter if your voice shakes - it is necessary, it is needed. I am sending love and healing energy into this space.



What same old story do you keep repeating? Come on now, enough is enough, it is old and it is a story.

You are being called to expand, to delve deep into the dark unseen depths of the ocean below. Deep, deep, deeper still.

You are stuck in a self perpetuating loop, and until you step outside of it, you will never grow. You are keeping yourself trapped within the self limiting walls of your own creation. Let the Whale guide you into the unknown, there is no need to fear. Trust that beyond your comfort zone, there is an exciting new world to explore.

Your veins are pulsing with the same ancient wisdom of the Whale, and you are being asked to embody this, with the same strength and compassion. There are new stories waiting for you, just beyond the edges.



Swimming round and round in circles you go, wandering aimlessly, no destination in mind. Without clear intent the Fish becomes lost in the vast waters; weary and restless, fed up and uninspired. You’ve veered off course, and it is time to find your way back.

You are being called to set yourself a goal to aim for once again, to change your point of focus from the monotonous loop you are stuck in. Enthusiasm is the key to navigating the waters before you. What small task can you set yourself? What lights you up and brings you joy? As it is through accomplishing the small things that your belief in self will grow; this is what will encourage you on to the next hurdle and ensure you travel in the right direction. It is time to get yourself swimming with purpose once again.


Intuitive Energy Healing and Intuitive Card Readings sessions available; pop me a message to book. Further info under the ‘My Services’ tab.

My services are available online, at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire or from the comfort of your own home (location dependant).

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