The sun is moving from the enthusiastic fiery pits of Aries into the Tauren field of grounded fixed earth energy later today. Realisations and shifts are forthcoming, and we are being called to slow down and focus on creating stability within ourselves and our lives. Pick a card for some heart medicine from Spirit so you can thrive this Taurus season.

Close your eyes, calm your mind and centre your energy at your heart space. Take a few deep breaths before opening your eyes and ask yourself ‘Where should my focus be at this time?’

Choose the pile you are most drawn to; scroll across to see your cards, and down for your reading.

If you want to dig a little deeper with a personal reading, pop me a message to book; available online or at my studio in Eastleigh. 


You’ve been travelling down a road well travelled by your kin. Carrying on the patterns inherited through your bloodline, intentionally or not you have been playing the part your ancestors cast for you. It is time for you to connect to that divine spark within and step into a new role - one without “predestined” stamped on the label. This may be a role you have been looking at with curious eyes for a while, or perhaps one that you’ve only stolen glances at for fear of being caught. Whichever it may be, surrender and let go my love; it is through the releasing of what has come before that we can make space for the new. The true you is there, buried beneath eons of trauma, wanting to take centre stage. Enter the unknown, do not worry that you’ll find yourself on stage with no idea of your lines - you’ll discover they come to you instinctively.

Aries season likely raised old patterns and wounds to the surface, triggers occurring so they could be witnessed, worked through and let go of. If you have been avoiding looking at that watery reflection, this is your first step. The following may not apply to you directly in this moment, but can be viewed with inspiration of what is to come if you sacrifice yourself to the process of change. Metamorphosis is inspirational, sacrifice fleeting comfort so a more stable joy can weave itself into the scenery of your life stage.  

If you confronted this mirror with fortitude, and surrendered to the flow trusting that the rainbow would appear once the storm passed by, you will now find yourself rewarded with the gift of transformation. The butterfly appears as jubilantly as the dolphins, with such playful and childlike beauty. These wonderful creatures come with a message of freedom, generations of pain handed down to you through your mere existence ends with you. You dove deep down into the depth, straight into pockets of overwhelm, fear, sadness and suffering; you persevered and have risen up, breaking the surface with pearls of wisdom in your grasp. You courageous soul, by giving over parts of yourself to die you have been reborn, you can now spread your beautiful wings and fly.


You have been working on your connection to the divine, allowing wisdom to flow from the heavens down through your crown chakra. You have been committed to the process of your awakening, but have you been feeling that it hasn’t quite landed yet? Communion with spirit, check; integrated learnings, nah not so much. 

Grandmother Moon shines brightly upon your heart chakra, there is a block here that she is illuminating for you. Barriers and boundaries that you implemented for your own protection; sturdy walls, a deep moat and armed forces. These strong defences once created to keep you safe are now what is denying spirits sacred teachings from weaving into your being.

The trunk of the tree unifies the extremities of the roots and the branches, the core that gives it strength and stability. The owl is sitting there at the heart, gifting you its wisdom and calling you to seek your answers in the darkness without fear. With the last of that Aries season fire, pray for a tower moment to shower down lightning bolts so these high castle walls will crumble and fall. 

It is time for a new beginning my love, tell your inner army to retreat and let the draw bridge down onto the sturdy Tauren ground below. Connect lower energies to higher and watch them dance together under the moonlight. You will find all the lessons you have been learning, all the sacred teachings and deep intuitive knowledge you’ve drawn from the earth start to make sense as they mingle together in coruscant union. They will form a bond stronger than any army or enforced wall you could have ever built, after the shaking of awakening subsides you will be left with such solid reliable foundations. 


There is a portal that has been opened for you, a gateway of sorts, ushering you into a new way of being. You have some work to do to locate it, to bring it into focus so that you can cross this threshold. 

Pay closer attention to your daily life, Spirit is offering up signs and symbols to guide you. Coincidence, I think not! Those are synchronicities being gifted like breadcrumbs - take the bait and follow them. You are being guided to exactly where you are supposed to be, that North Node destiny point within your divine blueprint. Trust is key. 

Clear the leaves and old debris left scattered across your mental and emotional landscape from the seasons past, it is time to dispose of these well used outdated patterns - they no longer serve you. Where attention goes, energy flows, so give yours undivided to the renewal of self. Pull ideas from different sources, ones you may have shied away from or not held at value in the past. 

You have tunnel vision that you just can’t seem to shake, this will only clear once you’ve made this crossing. The need to let go is more important at this time than any desire you feel to hold on. Expand your intuitive awareness to hone in and lock on to this divine doorway. Crystal clarity and a revival of hope lay in wait, be brave and step through to a whole new world. 


