Intuitive Energy Healing

Led by my heart, and guided by spirit, I combine the healing therapies of Reiki and Crystal healing into what I call Intuitive Energy Healing.

Reiki is a relaxation therapy that reduces stress, energetically balances the body and promotes healing on all levels. It is a gentle technique that can be conducted hands-on, hands-off or over distance. Reiki is a positive and healing energy, with no adverse effects. As a practitioner I facilitate the flow of Reiki energy, while honouring your space, with your need for healing.

Crystal Healing is a form of vibrational medicine that involves the use of Crystals to facilitate healing and restore your body to its natural energetic rhythm. Crystals have the ability to hold and emit energy vibrations; they can absorb, focus, direct, detoxify and diffuse energy as they interact with a persons subtle energy field. Each crystal has a different set of qualities, its own personality if you will, which are passed on to you in a healing session. Therefore, if there is something you would like to work on in your life - such as your self esteem, better communication, or easing anxiety - the relevant crystals to reflect this energy can be used.

Distance Intuitive Energy Healing

The premise for Distance Healing is that we are all made of energy and part of a greater entity, therefore we are all connected to each other. Distance Intuitive Energy Healing works by energetically tapping into that connection, and with intent, channelling healing to your energy field, wherever you may be. You don’t need to be in the same room, or even the same country, for it to work.

Think of the ocean as being the greater entity, it represents ‘all that is’. The waves on the ocean represent us as individuals. Each wave is born, reaches a crescendo, and then returns back to the ocean. The wave never loses its connection to the ocean, which means all the waves are therefore connected to each other. We are all made up of, and part of, the same ocean; we all come from, and are connected to, the same source. We are all uniquely individual, yet we are all one.

Energy has no beginning or end and runs in a continual loop, it doesn’t have physical or time boundaries. Distance Intuitive Energy Healing can be used to bridge the gap of the physical distance between the practitioner and client, and it can also be used to reach future events you may want to support, or past episodes (or even past lives) that require healing.

Distance Intuitive Energy Healing can be just as intense as having a session in person. Some people prefer Distance Healing, as it can be done from the comfort of your own home, with no need to travel to an appointment.

What to expect during the session

Intuitive Energy Healing puts you into a deeply relaxed state, so much so, that you may fall asleep. Do not worry, the healing will still be working, and I will wake you gently at the end of your session.

You will remain fully clothed, in a lying position, in a comfortable and safe environment.

You may feel a slight change of temperature, tingling sensations or possibly minor discomfort in some areas. You may have bodily reactions such as jerks or twitches, perspiration or dizziness.

You may find that strong and overwhelming emotions arise during a session. This is common due to the deep healing nature of Intuitive Energy Healing, just let it all out. Anything that occurs is completely natural, and right for you; it is just a sign that you are letting go and detoxifying your systems.

Intuitive energy goes to where it is needed the most; the healing can occur on every level of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Depending on your intention, and energy, I may spend more time working on some areas than others; each session is unique to what you may need at the time.

Crystals may be intuitively placed on and around the body; on chakra points, meridians or sites of pain. Smudge, incense or essential oils may be used, where consent has been given prior to treatment. These tools are to aid in the cleansing, balancing and healing of your energy fields.

We will have time to chat at the end of the session about anything that may have come up for you.

To be truly effective, a treatment program should be followed, just as prescribed medication is only effective if taken as directed. At least 3 Intuitive Energy Healing sessions are advised to feel the full effects; however, the more chronic or deeply embedded the condition, the more sessions may be required.

Aftercare/In-between sessions

Aftercare is as important as the treatment itself to your body’s natural healing process. To receive the greatest benefit, please follow the advice below:

Drink plenty of water or herbal teas, this helps to flush out any toxins that were released from your body during the treatment.

Avoid alcohol, smoking and strong stimulants (yes, that includes coffee) for at least 24 hours following the treatment.

Eat light, healthy meals for at least 24 hours following the treatment. If possible, avoid heavily fried foods and red meat.

Intuitive Energy Healing may result in an increase in your energy levels, use this wisely; practice self-care rather than getting your laundry done.

Allow yourself some quality time and get plenty of rest, this will support the body back to balance. Spend time in nature, take a bath, do yoga, have a nap, have two naps, read a book, journal , meditate - anything that feels emotionally and physically supportive to you. Simply allow yourself to be.

Allow at least a fortnight between sessions, to allow time to adjust to any changes that may occur.

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