Oracle & Tarot Card Readings

Nature of Oracle & Tarot Card Readings

Oracle & Tarot cards are a divination tool that allows us to focus our intuition, and tune into great divine wisdom. Throughout human history, across all cultures, various objects, rituals and card types have been used to tap into this stream of divine knowing. The cards themselves are not magick, they are simply a mechanism that allows us to access the magick within; they are a point of focus to allow our divine connection to flow, enhancing our intuitive abilities.

Card Readings offer us divine truth, inspiration and guidance to the answers we seek. They can help us clear a pathway in our mind when we are ruminating over a decision in our life, they can aid us in healing our wounds, in finding our way through the darkness, they can help to fulfil our greatest potential, or put us back on course when we have lost our way. Whatever your intention with a reading, the messages given will always be for the greatest good.

Card Readings can be done in person, via video call or a link to a pre-recorded video can be sent to you. I am happy for you to record the session if it is conducted in person, or via video call.

What to expect during a card reading

We will start by discussing your reasons for coming, and what you would like to gain from the reading. This helps me to build a clear intention, which I will channel when I pull the cards. You may just want a general reading, with no clear end goal in mind; the vaguer the intention, the vaguer the guidance is likely to be. The more you are willing to share, the clearer the reading will be, as it can give me greater context for the messages that come forth.

Think of it like a puzzle, if you don’t tell me what the puzzle picture is, I am going in blind. I will still be able to complete the puzzle, but more mistakes are likely to be made and it will take longer. The more of the image you can provide me with, the easier it is for me to connect the puzzle pieces together accurately.

I do not follow any particular card spread, and I use a combination of different decks. I am led by my intuition, going by what I am called to at the time, so no two spreads will ever look the same.

The spread will affirm and reflect, almost like it is acting as a mirror for your situation. By looking into that mirror, a space for true clarity is offered up and divine wisdom can come to light. It can serve as a great reminder of the power and knowledge we already have within us. I will then pull some cards specifically asking for guidance for your path forward, so we can see what the best course of action is for your personal journey.

Sometimes I will be given messages from my guides or yours, through imagery in my minds eye, which I will share with you.

As a trained practitioner in counselling skills and energy healing, this is something I naturally incorporate into my readings if it seems appropriate. I see readings not just as a space for guidance and clarity, but for deep soul healing also. This is the heart medicine I offer.

We are all unique individuals, and as such, a card reading from me may differ from one you have had previously. I am not a fortune teller, I cannot predict the future. I am not a medium, I cannot communicate with someone who has passed on from this world. There are many who can offer these services to you, but it is not something I practice.

Anything discussed during a reading is completely confidential, and will not be shared or discussed with anyone.

After the reading

Sit with what you have been given and reflect on it, you may want to write it down. Don’t rush into action; allow the messages to simply be, give them time to integrate, and then move forward with whatever feels right for you.

With any spiritual practice, it is always important to manage your expectations. You do not know how the information will present itself, if at all; you may end the reading with fewer answers than you were hoping for, and new questions may come to the surface. Some of what came up may not feel right for you at present, remember you know yourself better than anyone else; just take what resonates with you, and leave the rest. You may find that in time, the parts that did not make sense, click into place as your life story unfolds.

All guidance is gifted to you from the heart, with your best interests at the root of it. You are a human with free will, any advice given is just that, and it is up to you what you choose to do with it.

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