Spring is well and truly popping, and all of life appears manifest as we celebrate today's turning of the wheel. Give thanks to the abundant fertility of our beautiful Mother Earth. As we acknowledge the growth around us, take a moment to reflect on the new life that’s recently started stirring within.

Pick a card to discover what bit of Beltane magick is asking to permeate your being at this time. Close your eyes, calm your mind and centre your energy on the fire in your belly. Take a few deep breaths before opening your eyes and choose the pile you are most drawn to. Scroll across to see your cards, and scroll down for your reading.

If you want to dig a little deeper with a personal reading, pop me a message to book; available online or at my studio in Eastleigh. Further info under the ‘My Services’ tab.



“Let go of who you think you should be and embrace who you are.”

You are being asked to hold that piece of you that makes you shine so uniquely, and show it off to the world with nothing but enthusiasm! 

It can be scary to be truly ourselves in a world that is bombarding us constantly with its ideas and ideals of what it thinks we should be! Outside of the capitalist hell landscape which most of us unfortunately inhabit, living joyfully and truthfully in our true spirit is all Mother Earth actually requires of us. 

Who you are at your core, your divine soul, is asking you to come forth into the world with pride. Step forward without your protective disguises and leave the security blankets behind, as you abandon all that is false so you can embrace all that you actually are. 

Call in dragon energy if you are struggling, this powerful being lays dormant within, but once activated its mystical energy will align us with our earthly path. 


“Have faith in yourself, and in higher powers; they lead you in dark times even when you feel you’ve lost guidance.”

You are being asked to honour yourself with a bit of a spiritual spring clean. It is time to purify my love, care take and take care of soul and spirit. 

Like a squirrel bounding around searching for nothing but buried treasures, you have been hyper-focusing on the “real” world work-life stuffs. When you’re busying yourself bouncing from one earthly task to the next, it becomes harder to hear the divine. Great Spirit never abandons us, you just need to bring yourself back into a state of balance for the volume to ramp back up. 

Beltane cannot permeate until you clear the way; work to release all that is no longer needed, and in doing so you’ll encourage what needs to grow to come into place.


“Spend time reclaiming your balance. There you will find peace.”

Spider comes forth with its dreamweaver energy, encouraging you to immerse yourself in creative endeavours to bring the healing you require at this time.

Light bulb moments and sparks of inspiration haven’t popped in for no reason, let them land in your being and root them firmly into the earth's energetic grid. Staying in a state of dreaming is what is keeping you off balance, as your visions are calling to be made into reality. 

Follow your instincts and don’t hold back, if you dare to fulfil your aspirations it will be the beginning of something that will have a lasting and positive outcome in your life.  


