When I was away it was like the fire in my belly was reignited, petrol poured on and it was fully blazing with ideas and desire. I had so much to say, to create, to offer. The lessons of my Vision Quest and the heat of the Spanish sun brought me to life and gave me a confident exuberance I’m not sure I have ever felt before. Oh, how I burned! ❤️‍🔥

Returning home has required me to adjust the ferocity at which my core was burning; no not required, it has completely forced my hand. Allow me to be stereotypically British for a moment - the weather fucking sucks, it’s cold and wet and has dampened my inner fire somewhat. The blood pumping full speed from my sacral chakra has slowed, begrudgingly adjusting to the autumnal chill. I’m just fall-ing y’all, what can I say. 🍂

I’ve been back a week, and although my mind is racing with the things I want to share and bring into being, my body and my willpower, well they are seemingly cruising along at snail pace. I had to remind myself today that I am still very much in the midst of integration, and I am not failing if I am unable to shine brightly right now. Social media feels like a minefield I simply can’t find the energy to navigate at this time.

I am releasing the weird guilt I feel at not being more present on here, at not giving more. The truth is, I am being more present in my actual life, you know the real one that happens outside of the screens we are all glued to (yeah yeah, I see the irony here).

My willingness to serve you, to offer up Heart Medicine, is not in question. I am still working, and all my services are available if you would like to reach out and make a booking.

And trust me, when the flame gets lit under my ass again, I won’t be shy in coming forth. ❤️‍🔥

Have a good weekend interweb world, much love.


Intuitive Energy Healing and Intuitive Card Readings sessions available; pop me a message to book. Further info under the ‘My Services’ tab.

My services are available online, at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire or from the comfort of your own home (location dependant).

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