This eclipse portal has been well and truly gnarly, but thankfully it is almost at its end. And endings really is a key theme of this weekends full moon lunar eclipse. As the chapter of the last two years draws to a close, give it reverence and love, then offer yourself the same.

Pick a card for some guidance and heart medicine. We are almost through, see you on the other side…


So much potential lies within you, yet this eclipse portal has got you completely topsy turvy upside down; directionally challenged, purpose confused and spilling your magick everywhere.

You’ve either been exploring what you’d like to create in your life, but have yet to act on it, or perhaps the action on this goal has been taken, but you’re yet to see much progress.

Either is more than okay, both are simply parts of the cycles of life. We are especially reminded of the cyclical nature of life at this time of year. The leaves are falling and it is getting darker outside, slowly as each day passes the stark bareness of winter draws closer. Let your internal light dim with the season my love, it will not last forever, magick will fill your cup once more in time.

You are being called to look your higher self straight in the eyes and have an honest conversation about what it is you want to achieve, and what it is you want to offer the world. So when you find yourself spun back around, and your inner light dial cranked back up to dazzling, you know exactly how to take action.


“No one asks for their life to change, not really, but it does.” (part of what is quite possibly one of my favourite monologues in all of Buffy, so I couldn’t resist).

But resisting you are my love, and oh the suffering you are causing yourself due to that.

The reluctance you are feeling in regards to change, to let go of whatever needs releasing, is making this a hell of a lot more uncomfortable than it needs to be.

You are in the midst of a big life transition. Rites of passage are for your personal development and soul's growth, and I am afraid rarely is that easy.

A shift in perspective is being called for.

Leaving behind what is familiar and moving towards the unknown can be exciting, invigorating even - there is so much potential there after all.

Be bold, be fearless. Fuck off the victim mentality and forge ahead in confidence, opportunity awaits. I believe in you, how about you try believing in you too.


Demons be damned, you are shining bright as the sun straight from your heart chakra. You are well and truly tapped into your greatest source of power. This is the opportune time to get manifesting all that you desire.

Think big.

No no, BIGGER.

The positivity and potential radiating from these cards is palpable, grab it with both hands and go for gold. The only way is up for you right now, don’t let the moment pass you by with any thoughts of unworthiness.

What do you pray for every day? Sit with it, feel it, believe it to be so.. and watch your reality shift to accommodate those dreams.


Intuitive Energy Healing and Intuitive Card Readings sessions available; pop me a message to book. Further info under the ‘My Services’ tab.

My services are available online, at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire or from the comfort of your own home (location dependant).

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