These rituals can be as big or as small as you want, and you will find unless you are going through a big clear out of sorts they will tend to fall on the smaller side. The lead-up to the Full Moon this month got me overly purgey, culling the contents from a quarter of a century's worth of memory boxes leaves you with quite the burn pile. This ritual works the same if you are burning a box of old love letters, or a short list of things you’ve just written down that would you like to release from your life. Magick is all about listening to your intuition, so if you want to build a big fire for a small list, you do you, big fire = big pretty after all. 

The only requirement of a Fire Ritual is the element itself, the rest is completely up to you. Yep, you can even forgo the burning of anything and just stare into the flames, from a state of reverence you can release with the power of your mind alone.

Below is a run-through of my fire ritual this month with guidance weaved in, take this as inspiration not a step-by-step guide of musts:

  • Light a candle with intent, to burn and hold the space for your ritual. 

I intended to not only release many aspects of my past but also to send healing and forgiveness to all parties involved. With love and compassion at the forefront of my mind and with the ritual taking place on a Friday (Venus day, there’s a post about it I’ll pop in the comments), I chose a pink candle as this embodies those energies. 

  • Whether burning a list you’ve just written or a piece of personal memorabilla, keep your intentions in mind throughout. 

 I didn’t write a list on this occasion as I had a box worth of things that each held a memory for me to work with already.

  • Make a herbal blend to amp up the energy, select plant medicine that’s reflective of your purpose.

 I used Lavender, White Sage, Rose, Fennel, Moonlight Mix, Chamomile, Peppermint, and Bay Leaf.

  • Build fire with the moon in view, la luna will be illuminating the sky and your soul with “let that shit go” feels. 

 The weather doesn’t always allow for this, or you may not have an outside space in which you feel comfortable to do so; if you are working with just a candle on your bedroom floor, your ritual will work just as well. 

  • Feed the fire, release your burdens, cleanse your soul. 

The fire destroys what you feed it, as it turns paper to ash it transmutes the energies attached; in doing so space is created for something new to enter your life. The herbal blend intensifies the ritual, each ingredient adding its own bit of magick to the process; an additional bonus, it gives off a lovely aroma each time you throw a bit on. 

  • Let the flames mesmerise you; feel into the space, fire energy is raw, powerful and sacred. 

 Whilst staring in the fire I essentially allowed myself to enter a trance state. Not noticing until after I’d stopped, I began not only chanting the intentions that had been running on repeat in my mind, but some that just came naturally to me in the moment. All connected, all very sensical; I strongly felt the presence of my ancestors there with me. When we heal it travels back down our family line and forwards for generations to come, that’s why the work we do to unburden ourselves is far from selfish. 

  • As the flames die down and turn to glowing embers, offer up gratitude to the fire and give thanks to spirit to close the space. 

 Allow whatever feelings arise to be with you, fire rituals are intense and carry with it a myriad of possibilities for your emotional landscape. It will pass, it will transform.

* Ground yourself with some hearty and healthy food, and drink plenty of water over the next 24-48 hours as this will assist with the cleansing *

* Don’t be dumb: always practice fire magick safely, in appropriate conditions, and with water to hand *


Intuitive Energy Healing sessions are a great way too reset after a purge, and Card Readings offer up guidance as you explore your newly cleansed internal landscape; pop me a message to book. Further info under the ‘My Services’ tab.

My services are available online, at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire or from the comfort of your own home (location dependant).

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