Some heart medicine to offer you some guidance in navigating the intense energies of the next couple of weeks. Give yourself a moment to still your mind and focus on your heart centre, which of the three piles are you most drawn to? Once you have made your choice, scroll down to see what spirit has to say.. 



You’ve been climbing that ladder, reaching up skyward towards what it is you want to achieve. Be proud of your efforts thus far my love, your hard work is yielding results - even if you aren’t seeing it quite yet.

You are progressing and success will most certainly be yours, but the path of integration is the one you must walk during this eclipse portal before you can begin fully celebrating the fruits of your labour. 

You are being called to integrate energies in order to realise your full potential, to awaken to the currents of higher frequencies that are trying to flow down to meet you as you perch on top of that ladder. Right now that ladder may be swaying, it may feel shaky and unstable - to bring this into balance work on connecting the pathway between your mind and heart space. Ensure that the road is clear by calming the mind and soothing the heart, bringing them together in friendly alliance. 

The shiny crown of fruits success shall be yours, proof that the energy you invested will be recognised. 

Need someone to hold the bottom of your ladder for a bit so you can catch your breath? This is what I am here for: reach out to me to see how my services may be able to assist you.


What you water shall bloom, and there is no shame in admitting you need a bit of help bringing that water to your seedlings. Don’t be afraid to lean on others, asking for help can actually bring us closer to personal empowerment; through sharing burdens we can lighten the load, allowing us to make haste in whichever direction we are growing towards. 

The focus for you this eclipse portal should be on your throat chakra, expressing yourself vocally and creatively will encourage it to open. When your throat chakra is fully open you are able to connect to your personal power, the point from which we always want to be working. Call on your loved ones or your favourite therapist to assist you, and give voice to the voiceless parts of you that are held within. Allow them to speak, to scream, to sing - they want and need to be heard; allow them to showcase their truth through stories, art, dance, movement - they are desperate to rise up and be witnessed. In doing so they can be cleansed, allow this purge; it can be uncomfortable, but this is how we heal, this is how we grow. 

Companionship and community, circles and sharing - find a space where you are comfortable to express yourself in order to free yourself. Your voice is powerful and will have a positive impact on the world when the blocks have been removed. 

Struggling to find that safe space? This is what I am here for: take a look at the services I have on offer, or reach out to me and we can create a bespoke session to cater for your needs. 


From the womb we are born, from the womb space we must heal. Physical womb or not, that space exists within your energetic field - and it is calling for your undivided attention during this eclipse portal. The womb space holds within it the vast immensity of life, it is from here the elemental directions come together to bring forth creations unto the earth; whether birthing a child or an idea, the start of this spiral of existence dances at the base of your spine. 

The gentle nurturing of a mother's loving embrace is coming forth. In one hand she’s holding you with tender compassion, swaying you gently back into a state of balance; in the other, she grasps the blade of cyclical death and rebirth in which she will sever the umbilical cord to set you free. Both hands are gifting, both offering you divine sovereignty. 

Take offerings from both hands so new growth can take place unhindered. Send love to your womb space, softly sing it a lullaby of worth and unconditional love; be gentle with yourself, be kind. Clear and cut away all that no longer serves you, hack away at those cords that are draining your womb energy; in this letting go you create space for new life.  

Need a bit of assistance so you can take hold of these motherly hands? This is what I am here for: reach out to me to see how my services may be able to assist you.


Intuitive Energy Healing and Intuitive Card Readings sessions available; pop me a message to book. Further info under the β€˜My Services’ tab.

My services are available online, at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire or from the comfort of your own home (location dependant).

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