New moon, new you.. this one with some extra oomph. This is a potent moment marking the end of the eclipse portal, thank the lord! The last couple of weeks have been forcing our hand to do some spring cleaning of the soul, with Chiron dredging up our most painful wounds in the hope of some long term healing. It is likely to have been an uncomfortable time, there is so much power in this discomfort though and hopefully you have managed to clear some internal space in preparation for the new growth to come.

Pick a card for some heart medicine on how to push through into this new chapter..

Close your eyes, calm your mind and centre your energy at your heart space. Take a few deep breathes before opening your eyes and taking a look at the piles, which cards are you the most drawn to in this moment - 1, 2 or 3. Scroll across to see your cards, and check the comments for your reading.

If you want to dig a little deeper with a personal reading, pop me a message to book; available online or at my studio in Eastleigh.


You have been working hard to reach your goals, sure you may have wanted to throw the towel in more than once, but when push comes to shove you have stood firmly and used all your might to overcome the most intimidating of hurdles. You have achieved what you set out to, you have defeated your nemesis, but.. yeah there’s a but.. the work doesn’t stop here. The ten of stakes marks a completion point for sure, and the bell has rung to indicate that this round is over.. butttt.. an up-levelling of your responsibilities and commitments has come hand in hand with this achievement.

The rainbow appears majestically overhead to remind you of your blessings, soak in the beauty of the moment. The storm has passed, and the road travelled so very worth it to have reached this glorious milestone - congratulate yourself, offer up genuine gratitude for the rain you have endured and that inner sunshine that has cleared it.

This demon is now slayed, ya know, that one you thought you could never possibly defeat. It is now time to go forth in all your second-slayer badass-ness with a greater sense of confidence and enjoyment in what you are doing, and honed in purpose on your path. Celebrate this moment, and then get back to that hard working - the bad guys won’t kill themselves!


You are upside down and out of sorts, the magick from your cup spilling out everywhere. It is time to regroup and reconsider, to take pause and connect back in with yourself - how can you get yourself switched back to an upright position?

The desert is an ideal place to seek solitude, you are being called to find a place that can offer the same level of quiet and peace. This environment is conducive to quest for answers and allow vision to come to you.

Sit with yourself, sit with spirit, surrender to the flow of energy within and without. Start collecting up that rogue magick and examine it piece by piece - does it feel off to you? does it still belong in your cup? Intentions that were unfocused or that stemmed from a space of lack or negativity, you don’t want to reintegrate that bad juju - throw it out and banish it. The bits that are in alignment with your higher self - give them a rub so they sparkle extra pretty and refill your cup. This is powerful stuff, ensure your real potential and kind heart are leading the way or you’ll find yourself topsy-turvy again in no time.


Well, look at you caught in a tangle of your own negative thought forms, you have clung on so tight to what no longer serves you that you’ve even built yourself a prison with them. It is time to purge and free yourself from the self-imposed bindings that are holding you back.

The lightning comes in like the powerful force of nature it is, dramatic and and awe-inspiring. Now replace the word lightening with “your thoughts” - yes, your thoughts are a powerful force of nature, and it is time for a new perspective. Constructive thought patterns is where it's at, not destructive.

When you banish those negative and outdated structures within your mind, your prison walls will crumble. Let go and realign my love - you shall be set free. The use of daily positive affirmations is highly recommended. Utilise your thoughts positively, and build yourself a castle to roam. You will find that the castle doors will open you to many an opportunity that before you felt shut out from.


Intuitive Energy Healing and Intuitive Card Readings sessions available; pop me a message to book. Further info under the ‘My Services’ tab.

My services are available online, at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire or from the comfort of your own home (location dependant).

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