Our external reality mirrors back to us all that we need to learn and embrace. The people around us show us directly, and indirectly, the areas of our being that need to be worked through and shifted - highlighting disharmony in the body and the structures that are not serving your highest good. 

Kindred spirits enter your life to help you connect to the hidden chambers within where you have shrouded your wounds for fear of the pain they will inevitably bring if they are brought to the surface. Do not resist the offering, increase your personal power by entering these chambers and surrendering to the turmoil you’ve been keeping at bay. The discomfort may feel draining initially, but it paves the way and gives wings to merciful absolution. 

Mirrors are a gateway to our hurts that need healing, don’t bypass this by trying to create a doorway into another’s realm of shadows. We tend to find it easier to shift the focus onto how we can help another sort through their chaos than confront our own. This may stem from a loving place, but it is misplaced and feeds into our egos avoidance tactics. Your ego doesn’t want you to seek the growth that your soul desires. Use the mirror’s reflective surface for its intended purpose, to see what it is within yourself that needs adjusting and tending to. We cannot be the keeper of anyone’s key but our own. 

Trust in the sanity of these connections, your presence in their life alone is Spirit’s way of dangling a key before them, but it is not your responsibility to ensure they take the bait. What is for you to do is look bravely into the mirror they hold in front of you, and go in search of the lock to your own freedom. 


Intuitive Energy Healing and Intuitive Card Readings sessions available; pop me a message to book. Further info under the ‘My Services’ tab.

My services are available online or at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire.

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