It is a miserable blustery English winter day, the grey clouds in the sky feel as if they may be hanging over some hearts also. You can use this Pick a Card Reading anytime you feel those grey clouds appear, even if it is perfectly sunny outside.

Give yourself a moment to turn inward, focus yourself on that portal at your heart space, and let it guide you to the pile that is right for you.

With love from me to you, here’s a little bit of heart medicine for you in this moment..


The Six of Pentacles is a card about giving, a card about being generous with what you have and trusting that you will receive wealth in return. My attention is being drawn to the scales in Halfrek's hand, indicating that something in your reality is far from balanced currently; where have you been giving too much with little in return? What area of your life do you feel is draining you?

Chamomile medicine is coming through to assist you in regaining equilibrium; you cannot keep giving to the thing that is also exhausting you. Pause, rest, softly softly allow space for yourself, and give to yourself as a priority. Let the scales tip in your favour for a time, you will find they will then naturally balance out; leaving you in a better and more wanting position to give yet again, but without wearing yourself down in the process.


The Five of Chalices Reversed is a card about the guilt and shame we carry, and how we must forgive ourselves in order to move on. I made that sound simple right? Just forgive yourself and move on, but life is rarely that black, white and easy; and most of us are too scared to confront what lies beneath. It is hard to get yourself to a point of appreciation for the pain you have suffered through, or to truly integrate the lessons learned from the suffering you have caused others. There is value in these experiences though, and that is what you are being asked to try to see here.

Soil medicine is coming through to assist you in ensuring your foundations are solid and stable. We are quick to tend to our plants but do not offer the same love and nourishment to our soils, and we must do this to have a healthy garden. Dig a bit deeper, go beyond the surface level of your suffering, what is at the roots? That is the area of life you need to be putting the work into, without focusing your efforts here, your plants will continue to suffer from the same problems and never truly bloom.


Fog is a temporary veil on the world around you, it can obscure and make you feel as if you have no idea which direction to take. How are you supposed to know in which direction to travel when you cannot see the paths laid out before you? Temporary is the key word here, the fog will not stay forever.

The Six of Chalices is a card about revisiting your past, reminiscing over the connections that brought you joy and the times that you were happy. Take a pause from adulting for a time, right now you don’t have to be the grown-up in the room, you are being invited to activate your inner child and see the world through their eyes of wonder. What used to bring you joy, how did you used to have fun? This is the medicine that will help you clear the fog that is causing you to feel lost in the woods at the moment.


If you want to dig a little deeper with a personal Oracle/Tarot Card Reading, pop me a message to book. Further info under the β€˜My Services’ tab.

My services are available online, at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire or from the comfort of your own home (location dependant).

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