Summer has come to an end, and life falls to Autumn; the night and day are now equal once more. Libra’s scales perfectly balanced at the equinox crossing, urging us to address the imbalance in our realities. As the leaves shed and release, we too are called to let go; that which you no longer need to carry you should part ways with now. The descent into darkness begins here, the second half of the astrological year comes with lessons of the necessity of death. With relationships of all kinds at the forefront, sensitivity and fairness in our discourse are crucial. Cut the cords that need cutting gently, bring healing to the areas where it is required and reconnect with those that bring pleasure. 

Pick a card for some heart medicine as we cross this seasonal threshold..

Close your eyes, calm your mind and centre your energy at your heart centre. Take a few deep breaths before opening your eyes and choose the pile you are most drawn to. Scroll down for your reading.

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Want to dig a little deeper with a personal reading? Send me a message to book.

My services are offered online or at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire. Gift Vouchers are also available. 


Where are you resisting change in your reality due to the discomfort it brings? The buffalo pays little attention to the bumps in the road and definitely doesn’t stop its journey and set up a road-blocked sign. This resistance is causing instability and fucking with your energy flow. 

To bring balanced momentum reframe every challenge as an opportunity for growth, and place trust in every turn spirit guides you towards on your path ahead.

To walk forwards, you are required to move away from where you are currently. The discomfort will only shift when you realign with your purpose, it is not abandonment to leave behind what no longer fits your reality. 

Prayer and meditation can assist you in gaining the same unwavering trust as the buffalo, allow stillness to find presence in the moment and quiet in your mind. Ground your human hooves deeply into the ground whilst lifting your brave heart to the heavens, and restart your walk towards the beckoning light. 


Do not hang your head for fear of how others may perceive you, do not hide away or feel shame for the truth of your current reality. This state of worry is keeping you from seeing the key that is right behind you, you have all you need in this moment to move beyond the circumstances in which you think you are trapped. 

Do not let the turbulence of the journey at hand leave you in a state of freeze. This is a transitional time, a rite of passage that you have no choice but to pass through. Continuing to struggle will only prolong the process. 

The peacock holds the confidence of one whose beauty is unrivalled, and although you’d think this is due to its stunning plumage, the confidence actually comes from a deep level of acceptance of self. Tap into your inner peacock to clear the energy blockages that are keeping you from the next doorway on offer on your journey.

Your evolution will remain hindered if you don’t hold that head up high and reclaim your personal power; the power that lies in accepting yourself for the perfectly imperfect person that you are. 


Do you keep asking yourself if you are dreaming? This plot twist is surely too good to be true, but pigs really can fly when you approach life with childlike enthusiasm. Serendipity is at play and your heart is being nudged to open up to the magick at hand.

Let the disappointment of cups past drain away, and release the waters of your wallowing so you can fill yourself up with the wonderment of the possibilities before you. 

Curiosity keeps the camel travelling to far-off lands, even in the face of excess heat it trusts in its resourceful nature to seek out the cooling elixir of fresh waters to replenish its inner wells. Trust in the wealth of nourishment on offer as you begin to navigate towards this dream-like future. It is not an illusion, you are aligned; sidestep the rational mind and start your pilgrimage towards the magick.
