Eclipse season is upon us, a time of unavoidable breakthroughs and breakups that are directing us to the next chapter of our lives. This is fate darling, and you’re better off surrendering to the overwhelm than trying to escape the discomfort of what is surfacing in your reality. 

And what is real? There is a spotlight shining brightly into the area of our lives where fantasy has us dancing to an ungrounded and unrealistic number. The focus is being pulled to where you may have been deceiving yourself, and if your hunger to escape into the shadows of illusion is the loudest internal call, disengage and hang up those dancing shoes. 

Pick a card for guidance on reclaiming reality under this Lunar Eclipse, where have you been living in a fantasy?

Close your eyes, calm your mind and centre your energy at your heart centre. Take a few deep breaths before opening your eyes and choose the pile you are most drawn to. Scroll down for your reading.

🌕 ♓️

Want to dig a little deeper with a personal reading? Send me a message to book.

My services are offered online or at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire. Gift Vouchers are also available. 

The moon is shining its light oh so brightly into the depths of your subconscious, for it is here that you need to spend some quiet time. You are living a life of distraction, trying to block out the depth of the emotional distress that's rumbling beneath the surface. You cannot trick yourself forever, and these illusions are only holding you back from truly enjoying life. 

You must accept that you came to earth to experience it all, the messy and the beautiful - you cannot have one without the other. Whatever painful event or horrible past trauma you have been avoiding dealing with needs to be gifted the space to rise up into your conscious awareness, this is how you will be able to release it from your energetic field. 

Give yourself time, gently with grace. Persevere through the discomfort and anguish, accept the suffering for exactly what it is. In letting it land, you are working towards letting it go, and you will find equilibrium within and a mind much less hazy.


You’ve been pushing forward in pursuit of your goals, assertive and unafraid, moving along with determination to make things happen. The resilience you have shown on this journey is noble, fearlessly pushing towards your future and learning from the challenges that have arisen along the way. 

Being action-oriented and bravely going after what you want in this world is great, but part of getting to where you’re aiming for comes with the ability to ebb, as well as flow. Right now you are feeling the burnout, trying to persevere through with the same grit and determination you’ve ridden on thus far; when what you really need to do is allow some time to withdraw and retreat. 

You do not need to rush my love, what is meant for you is not going anywhere. 

Exhaustion is a clear sign that you are out of alignment, so allow some rest and recuperation to get your internal scales back into balance. Burrow deep into stillness and call back all the energy into your being, and do not start the journey again until you feel your soul is standing fierce once more. 


Ready, rearing and willing to hand over your power to any old sea witch in order to fuck off your fins. You are desperate for a pair of strong human legs so you can reach that fairytale castle of your dreams in the distance; making impulsive decisions regardless of warnings, with nothing but that end goal in mind. 

You are forcing connections with others which is creating a natural distance in these relationships. When really to break free from your fishy tail, the connection you should be focused on is the one with yourself. You need to learn to trust inyourself, your capabilities, your power. By awakening to your divine authenticity, you will naturally stand in the position that you crave, without creating unstable and potentially toxic ties to people along the way. 

You have a purpose, and through self evaluation you will awaken the enchanter within. In returning home to yourself, you will naturally guide others to do the same. The fairytale castle is the end goal, but slow down and enjoy the beauty in the journey getting there. 


