With the next eclipse season incoming, this new moon has a kinda ‘sort your shit out’ before it hits vibe. Come to a place of stillness, listen carefully and think of remedial action, where in your life requires some detoxing? 

New moons hold the energy of new beginnings, but this one has an air of frustration as there are obstacles - seen and unseen - surrounding it. Put your big person pants on and take responsibility for yourself and your actions; commit to a path, even if it seems a little out of reach right now. Things will likely not go according to plan, but you should remain patient as you navigate the roadblocks. 

Pick a card for assistance with this New Moon, and how to best serve yourself leading up to eclipse season.

Close your eyes, calm your mind and centre your energy at your heart centre. Take a few deep breaths before opening your eyes and choose the pile you are most drawn to. Scroll down for your reading.


Want to dig a little deeper with a personal reading? Send me a message to book.

My services are offered online or at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire. Gift Vouchers are also available. 


Temperance walks its way in on the middle ground; between all that has gone before and has reached completion, and the blessings yet to come. You are caught in a limbo space, and patience is the tea being served. Instead of trying to force yourself back into a box that no longer fits, or rushing ahead into what lies ahead, a moment of stillness and quiet is required.

Slow down, sit back and relax into the present moment. Your life infusions need time to brew to come to full potency. Take this time out to reassess where you’re focusing your precious energies, and regain your inner equilibrium. By alchemising your inner peace, you will enter the next chapter of your journey with a strong and stable footing. 

Patience doesn’t come naturally in a world of next-day delivery and scrolling for dopamine hits, here are some suggestions that will assist you in regaining balance:

  • time in nature

  • slow mindful tasks 

  • a quiet cup of tea 

If you need some assistance in finding inner or outer equilibrium, I will soon be offering ‘Ally Mentorship’ sessions to teach and guide you in these areas. DM me for more details.


The Ace of Cups comes with an invitation to awaken your heart to a new journey, one that begins where seeds of hope, love and fulfilment have been planted. Positive change is heralded, and whilst any change can be daunting, don’t deny yourself newfound bliss for the sake of present comforts. Feel the waves at your heart change, by allowing joy and optimism to wash over, fresh potential will soon surface.

Whether this deep emotional connection is romantic, platonic or with the divine, unconditional love and compassion are guaranteed. Trust in the gateway and allow your cup to overflow with possibility, then slide sweetly into the stream. 

Keeping a positive mental attitude can be tricky, here are some suggestions that will assist you in being receptive to all that is unfurling before you:

  • positive affirmations 

  • mantras

  • gratitude journal 

If you need some assistance in developing your self-worth and finding a way to embrace positive change, I will soon be offering ‘Ally Mentorship’ sessions to teach and guide you in these areas. DM me for more details.


The Hermit Reversed indicates a disconnect with your inner voice, that true inner knowing that stems from source. The negativity that comes your way, whether that be from others or just your own detrimental self-talk, needs to be firmly put in its place. You need to draw clear boundaries to guard yourself from this heavy gloom. This layer of protection will allow you to enter a space of sacred personal reflection, where you can connect back in with your higher self. 

Don’t let more gnarly bad vibe tendrils get a hold, and use your discernment to untangle yourself from ones already trapping you. This is a time to withdraw and rebuild so that when you reenter the world you can navigate it with your brightly illuminated heart. 

Whether you find solace in nature or within the walls of a blanket fort, here are some suggestions that will allow you to go deeper:

  • journalling 

  • meditation 

  • creating without agenda (could be a piece of art or a delicious meal; it matters not, we all create differently)

If you need some assistance in going deeper into your inner being or with asserting strong boundaries, I will soon be offering ‘Ally Mentorship’ sessions to teach and guide you in these areas. DM me for more details.


