
Something is rising up that wants to be acknowledged by you, have you had a niggling feeling that you can’t quite seem to shift? This is spirit calling you, trying to converse, wanting you to pay attention. You are here right now for a divine purpose, a shining light in a world that can often feel so bleak. You are destined to have a great impact on the collective in your time on Earth, to raise the vibration of the planet.

The lion comes to you encouraging you to be brave, you have come so far already, celebrate this. It is in honouring the terrains we have already conquered, that gives us the fuel to start our journey across the next. Tune into your lion's heart this week for hints of what your next mission will be.



“I want to break free” keeps playing in my mind, where in your life are you being called to take your power back?

Time to check in with yourself with complete and utter honesty, this is no time for sugarcoating the sour. You are being asked to take flight to gain the perspective and wisdom of the owl, but how can you fly with chains binding you?

The owl is encouraging you to look into the darkness this week, to lift the veil and truly see. You have chains to break, energetic cords to sever and boundaries to put in place. This may feel undoable, messy, painful even, but with your shackles removed into the sky you will soar. It is there that you will be able to see the bigger picture, and in that moment the gift of clarity and peace will be yours.



You have already travelled so far, scaled mountains and crossed valleys; your soul has called and you have listened. You are not the only one that has been meandering this path, and if you haven’t already found them, spirit is encouraging you now to call in your tribe.

We humans are stronger together, in community, envisioning and co-creating a better, fairer and more beautiful world. It is within your relationships, the emotional landscapes of those human connections, that your abundance awaits.

The energy of Koi Carp here is that of the third eye chakra, it is your intuition; It has guided you right this far, trust it will continue to do so. There is a call for movement, a need for flow. Don’t just lean in to gaze upon the waters in which they swim; jump in head first, immerse yourself fully and start swimming with your finned friends.

If you are already jamming with your soul people, splashing around in the abundant waters, having a grand ol’ time, the call is to let the waters settle now. This will enable you as a collective to tune it to which direction to start swimming together, one for the greatest good of all beings.


Intuitive Energy Healing and Intuitive Card Readings sessions available; pop me a message to book. Further info under the ‘My Services’ tab.

My services are available online, at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire or from the comfort of your own home (location dependant).

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