Yesterday, I took myself off into the woods to start a conversation with spirit. Questions weighed heavily on my heart; possibilities ran rampant in my mind. There are a few unknowns for me at present; spaces in which I need to explore.

I set off armed with Labradorite, one of my favourite tools for communing beyond the veil. It is a powerful psychic protector stone, shielding your energy whilst it opens and enhances your third eye chakra. A mystical talisman with iridescent beauty, it is great to work with when you are seeking light within dark, unknown spaces.

I didn’t intend to work with Mugwort, but it called to me as I ambled along the hedgerows. Asking permission, I picked a few pieces with gratitude, and went along my way.

Mugwort, such a popular herb in a witches' toolbox, is commonly used to enhance psychic abilities and dream work. Much like Labradorite, it aids in accessing higher planes of consciousness; deepening our connection to the spirit world, whilst offering protection from negativity and evil.

It wasn’t until I was settled at my destination that I realised the true potential of using these two together. It seems so obvious now, such an exquisite and perfect pairing. The three of us spent the morning together, and now there is a clear doorway into that space of discovery, that I can venture across whenever I choose.

Do you have a favourite crystal & plant combination you enjoy working with? Or one you would like to explore? Let me know in the comments.

* Side note, Mugwort is a great alternative for those wary or unwilling to use white sage for smudging due to sustainability concerns. It aids in purifying the space and your energetic field when burnt, and is easily located along British roadsides and hedgerows. The leaves are dark green with a smooth upper side and an underside covered in fine matted white hairs. *


Intuitive Energy Healing and Intuitive Card Readings sessions available; pop me a message to book. Further info under the β€˜My Services’ tab.

My services are available online, at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire or from the comfort of your own home (location dependant).

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