Igniting the path as he strides towards his throne, blazing the stage with his elemental fire, the lion has well and truly arrived. Welcome Leo season (more about this in my last post), this pick a card offers insight into what the next month may bring you. 

Close your eyes, calm your mind and centre your energy at your lion's heart. Take a few deep breaths before opening your eyes and choose the pile you are most drawn to. Scroll across to see your cards, and check the comments for your reading.

🔥 ♌️ 🦁

Want to dig a little deeper into what Leo season has in store for you? Send me a message to book a personal reading with me.

My services are offered online or at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire. Gift Vouchers are also available. 

Planetary casting stones shown here are available to purchase, a great little divination tool to add to your witchy collection -  land in my inbox for more info. 


The messenger of the gods comes in delivering ideas and inspiration this Leo season. The word wants to be written, and will translate differently in each individual's reality; whether it’s blogging, penning personalised letters or starting that book you’ve been pondering for some time, a great place to start is some dedicated journalling time. Explore the themes that Cancer season had you swimming in, let those decapitated heads of hurts past be your muse. That which you made peace with during that time will offer you great insight into what is wanting to be vocalised through you.

You can attune yourself more easily to these downloads when you are in a state of divine feminine receptivity. Allow the messages to flow naturally through your intuition, and express yourself accordingly.


The god of the sea comes crashing on your shores with waves of inspiration and creative vision. By allowing old versions of yourself and your belief systems to die off, you may have found yourself birthed anew during Cancer season. Being born again can feel daunting, newly found wisdom in the same old skin can make us feel as vulnerable as a newborn baby. Watch out for sirens calling you out to sea, guard yourself against the alluring sound of past comforts and ways of being, if you find yourself lulled into a false sense of security you are likely to drown. Focus instead on the beauty of the new lands that are now on offer for you to explore.

This is a time for bravery, originality and dreaming bigger than you ever have before. Surrender to something greater than yourself. The spiritual lessons already completed act as your vessel as you set sail on this new adventure, and Neptune's waves of imagination will steer the ship this Leo season.


Old father time comes with a stern kick up the butt, reminding you to look at the broken pieces that befall you not as failure but as necessary cracks in which new life can spawn. All that we journey through is a lesson, and whatever area of your life has suffered a death this Cancer season, you are being called to see beyond the decay and instead focus your vision on the space it has created for something new and beautiful to appear.  

This tough love energy forces much-needed growth, the more you can lean into it as a teaching instead of torture, the easier it will be. The lion's roar of Leo season acts like armour around your heart, so know that you are safe and protected to open your wings and fly. It doesn’t matter how much you shake as you take off; be brave, and distance yourself from death so you can land your feet in freedom. 


