Cancer and the fucking feels; sensitivities are being fully activated, this is raw! Grandmother Moon is prodding right at those soft squidgy insides; forcing past wounds, triggering emotions and anxieties to the surface. Where it nags, you’re snagged - don’t allow yourself to be consumed by the noise that’s arising. Give yourself some space today for deep reflection, especially on your relationships and childhood pains. Connect with the truth of your feelings, untangle from the hurts, and nurture yourself with compassion and love. This New Moon is your opportunity to soften that beautiful heart, replenish your soul, and forge forward anew with fearless vulnerability. Pick a card for some heart medicine to assist you with this process. 

Close your eyes, calm your mind and centre your energy at your heart space. Take a few deep breaths before opening your eyes and choose the pile you are most drawn to. Scroll down for your reading.

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Want to dig a little deeper? Send me a message to book a personal reading with me.

My services are offered online or at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire. Gift Vouchers are also available. 

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The hurts you’ve lived through have meant you have built a strong defensive wall around your heart. There is nothing wrong with this, my love, we do what we do to survive, but in defending yourself from further pain, you are also blocking yourself from the opportunity of beautiful new connections. 

You may have noticed it start to crack, and you are being called to embrace the lightning bolts that are hitting so it can crumble at your feet. A glorious utopia awaits if you stop clinging to the past, forgive the people and circumstances that have made you suffer, and allow yourself to progress forward. 


Familial conditioning and pressures have kept you hiding the true colours of your divine soul, but the world needs you to shine in technicoloured glory. In the darkness of this moon allow yourself to detox from these bonds that are holding you back, it is time to tap into the truth of who YOU are at your core.

Dip your fingers into the radiant paint palette of truth at your heart and play. Mix it up and create the version of yourself that feels authentic to you; when you paint yourself to please others no matter what colours you use, your canvas will be grey. 

It is time to exit the cave that has you all wrapped up in ancestral patterns, those chains that have held you back consciously and unconsciously from the dancing the dance you were born for. 


You already know the truth of what you want and where you are being called to journey to. It is time to stop swimming in the waters of the past and start taking strides upon the surface to the fairytale castle of your desires that awaits you in the distance. 

Close those pesky human eyes to rise out of the limiting pools that are keeping you trapped. Heed your intuition and follow the all-knowing gaze of your third eye, it is guiding you towards the radiant light of your heart. Listen to the whispers of what could be, instead of the screams of what has been; take the leap, true bliss is calling you home. 


