I offer so much of myself and my journey for you to see you are not alone in your struggles, not alone in your journey of self-discovery. 

This world is a fucking minefield, and I spent the better part of my life living in escapism. Instead of carefully navigating the path to fields of freedom, I stumbled through setting off explosives, blowing myself & others around me up at high frequency. With so much destruction in my wake, I broke completely at 28, and since then I have dived deeply into my shadows in order to find the light. This is on offer to us all if we so choose.

My superpower is seeing the highest potential of those I meet, and in my work this serves me & my clients well. Throughout my life though, this has always been somewhat of a disservice. I should know better than to be blindsided by the possibility of someone’s potential, yet still, sometimes I struggle to see the red flags flying so clearly in the breeze - the ones that mark the shadows still dancing on their path. I can be fooled & misled, and inevitably hurt as I am so sensitive to the energies that swarm around the flagstaffs. Hard as it can be, there is always a lesson here that I am grateful to receive. 

I remind myself to wipe the mirrors presented to me clean, so instead, I can see myself with true clarity. Whether the person decides to leave their mirror shit smeared or initiate the cleansing themselves is up to them - I have nothing but unconditional love and compassion whatever they so choose. I learn over again, that my reflection is not based on theirs. Each time I break, the light seeps into the cracks & my soul bursts through all the brighter & self-assured. My strength, my wisdom, and the work I have done & continue to do on myself means I shine with authenticity. My scars healed & painted in gold; I wear my heart on my sleeve, and no matter how bruised it may get, I will continue to grow & liberate myself. 

As I wander through this world I come across so many lost souls & want nothing more than to offer my hand in finding the same freedom I have. This is why Heart Medicine exists, reach out if you want to start working to integrate your shadows. 


Intuitive Energy Healing and Intuitive Card Readings sessions available; pop me a message to book. Further info under the β€˜My Services’ tab.

My services are available online or at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire.

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