What a beautiful energy to this New Moon, full of such potential. Fertile ground is being offered up for us to plant our desires into, the Tauren energy infusing it with great stability, perfect for our seeds to really take root. Abundance for all - how refreshing after such a heavy and discombobulating April. 

Pick a card for where your attention is being drawn to at this time, spirit is indicating where your soil may need a bit of TLC to ensure your seedlings burst with all the bounty they can muster. 

Close your eyes, calm your mind and centre your energy at your heart space. Take a few deep breaths before opening your eyes and choose the pile you are most drawn to. Scroll across to see your cards, and scroll down for your reading.



It is really important for you at this time to cleanse your energetic field, sweep away anything stale and unsupportive, clear negative emotions and outdated patterns. You need to create space for divine consciousness to come through. 

The imagery I am getting is a plane circling overhead waiting for a safe landing strip so it can start its descent; spirit is that plane my love, and the energy centres down your central line is where the divine would like to land. It is you who must clear the runway, purify your vessel to enable a welcoming and empty space for spirit to arrive and expand into. 

The divine has messages for you, revelations of your highest truths ready to be downloaded. Eagle medicine gifts us the ability to see from a higher vantage point, and this will be bestowed upon you after a bit of an energetic spring clean. Spending time in silent meditation will allow this communion, and also pay attention to synchronicities that start to arise for any further messages. 

Freshen up and dress your inner being to impress, you have a date with spirit you donโ€™t want to miss. 

If you need a bit of assistance with clearing your energy field, I offer in-person and distance energy work that would be greatly beneficial at this time. Send me a message to find out more. 


You are being called to slow down, take a moment and be fully present in this moment. You are emerging, breaking the surface and rising up into a truer version of yourself. 

This is awakening my love, and youโ€™re at the tail end of quite a turbulent ride. You have journeyed through the fall, been shaken to your core and left bare in the cold stark night. Welcoming death, laying ego and attachment out to be taken by wolves in the night. This cycle is ending now, and with every end, there is a beginning. 

Spirit is asking you gently to open your eyes, the snow has melted and you find yourself bathing in warm spring waters. Engage in reflection upon the waters surface of all that you once were, that dirt and energetic ick washing away in the stream; you are free from it now.

Look up and beyond, outward onto the beautiful new vista that awaits you; one in which you can shine brightly, one in which you can fly. Allow this moment, give it every ounce of your attention, and stay within this miraculous window for as long as it's open. Real life beckons, but for now you donโ€™t need to be anywhere but basking in the emergence of your soul spirit. 

With this authentic crown of being now placed firmly upon your head, ground that magick down into the earth when you exit the water and take your first steps upon her. You may feel all gangly at first, rebirth can do this, but this newfound power is yours to embody and own - trust in that. 

If you need a bit of assistance getting stable with your new earth legs, pop me a message to see how I can help. 


You are being given a heavy dose of heart medicine at this time, surrender to its magick and allow it to work its way into the darkest recesses of your heart space. 

Spirit is coming forward, passing you a walking staff to assist you on your journey. The path of forgiveness is full of tricky terrain, and we all need something to prop us up as we traverse this inner landscape. Take the support, it does not mean we are weak, merely human. 

There is a freedom that comes from letting go of unresolved grief and pain, yet we cling to it, our egoic mind justifying why forgiveness should not be granted. This is where your attention is being drawn, it is time to loosen the death grip you unintentionally placed upon your heart; allow yourself to open up wide and let love in. 

Now this isnโ€™t easy, in fact it is one of the hardest acts of self-acceptance we must journey through. Finding love and compassion for self, and for those that have done us harm, can seem like an impossible ask. To allow ourselves to be vulnerable to the overwhelming emotions that come with this work can seem daunting and scary, but it is within this space we find the strength to transform, it is here we start to grow towards the light. 

Have compassion for yourself as you crack open and allow love in, as you slowly work the ties that bind loose and learn to breathe again. This work is tough, itโ€™s messy and itโ€™s fucking exhausting - but my love it is so worthwhile. Keep pushing through with determination and kindness, you have a team of supporters across the veil who have your back.

If you are struggling on this path, or unable to understand how forgiveness can ever come to pass in your reality, reach out to me to see how I can be of assistance.  


