Tower moments have been a prominent theme for me of late, and I find I cannot shift from my position balancing precariously upon the rubble they leave. The foundations will not stabilise, spirit doesn’t want me to ground where I am currently situated. I am hearing the call to move, what started as a whisper earlier in the year is now a fog horn blaring directly at my side. 

I am calm and happy in making tracks, I long for new landscapes and adventures, but in which direction spirit is taking me - I have no fucking idea. This lack of knowing rattles my cage, and no matter what I have tried in an attempt to garner answers for the last month or so, the only message I receive is ‘be patient’. This is not an attribute I embody naturally, but apparently, it is time for me to learn this life skill.

Is this just a means for me to add ‘patience’ to my toolkit, or is it a test of my trust in spirit? Perhaps it is simply not yet time, maybe it’s all of the above. The why isn’t important, that answer would only serve to appease my curiosity - it is the direction to move in that I seek. I am intuitive by nature, but no level of intuition will grant you the answers you desire if spirit doesn’t want to dish them up. The demanding child in me is stamping her feet, the wiser wild woman I am knows there is nothing to do but surrender and allow flow. I must give myself over to the divine order of things, with belief that my path will unfold exactly as it should. Spirit calls, I listen - this is the commitment I have made. 

I stand before Hekate at her gates, shedding skins and purifying, piles of stone from that which came before at my feet. There are no crossroads in sight, just a flooded cave with pitch-black waters. I reach out my hand and ask to join her tidal currents, trusting I will wash ashore where I am supposed to. She submerges me in her depths, ‘let go’ She tells me, ‘light will come to the darkness in time’.  


Intuitive Energy Healing and Intuitive Card Readings sessions available; pop me a message to book. Further info under the ‘My Services’ tab.

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