I’ve been asked a few times recently what I mean when I say ‘tower moment’. This is my complete bad for just assuming everyone I speak to is familiar with Tarot because of my ongoing love affair with it. So..

The Major Arcana are 22 cards within the Tarot deck that represent the Hero’s journey - or Heroine’s, cause yeah fuck the patriarchy. This journey represents the life lessons and archetypal themes that influence your life as your soul seeks enlightenment. They are the big dogs of the pack, the trump cards, so when they appear in a reading take heed - they indicate the significant life events that make and shape us. 

Starting with the Fool obliviously launching himself off the side of a cliff as he begins his exciting new adventure, through to the World which embodies all the lessons learnt along the way coming full circle to mark the end of the journey; which is of course is the beginning of a new one, and the Fool leaps once more. 

The Tower card is the point in the journey where shit really hits the fan, lightning strikes and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. A card to be feared? Absolutely not, we need these moments of divine intervention to clear unhealthy structures and old ways of being from our paths. The tower needs to crumble and fall so solid foundations can be formed, gifting you a sturdy space to build upon moving forward. Is it comfortable? uh, no! It is chaos and destruction, it’s a revelation my love - mighty, powerful and shocking. However, it is imperative to your journey and the discomfort will not last forever. Do not grasp to that which can no longer support you, make the leap and escape the burning building, for hope is found in the moat below. 

UPRIGHT: sudden crisis is upon you, the lightning bolt strike is unexpected and unwanted. Indicative of monumental change, something we humans tend to not embrace with ease. You are being asked to abandon the old truths that no longer serve you, and trust that the foundations will be laid for something better to come. This is upheaval of the highest order, you are being shaken to your core and there is no escaping the destruction it brings.  How this plays out in your reality will vary considerably, from marriage breakdown, job loss or spiritual awakening for example; the tower card holds no bars. It truly is for your highest good, I promise; it is paving the way for something more in alignment to who you are now to come forth. It may be disorienting, making you question the truths of your reality, but through your world crashing down around you the gift you are given is clarity.  No matter how painful and anxiety-ridden, all you can do is surrender and let go of all that has been holding you back. Transform and step into your highest potential. 

REVERSED: where the Tower upright speaks of unseen change taking you by surprise, the reversed has you fully informed of the storm to come. This speaks much more to your internal reality, instigating shifts in your values, purpose and belief systems. You know the Tower you’ve built within is precariously balanced, leaving you unsettled at the impending doom of its collapse. Resistance is futile, this disaster cannot be averted, but you can limit the fallout by embracing the change it will inevitably bring. You have been forewarned, and the slow burn waiting for the storm to hit can be a fucker. Don’t allow it to freeze you in fear, welcome the transformation. Trust in the process and use the time wisely to plan ahead; stop clinging to hope that the shoddy workmanship will survive the bolt of lightning - it won’t.


Intuitive Energy Healing and Intuitive Card Readings sessions available; pop me a message to book. Further info under the ‘My Services’ tab.

My services are available online, at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire or from the comfort of your own home (location dependant).

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