With a blustery storm roughing up the seas the day before, we went hunting for treasures along the shore. The sea breeze cleared my mind, and I was filled with child-like glee at the assortment of shells & hag stones that soon filled my hands.

Scattered among the seaweed and shells, in between the stones and sand, lay many a reminder of the impact we are having on Mother Nature's stunning landscape. In all shapes and sizes, catching our eyes with terrifying frequency, there was a shocking amount of washed-up toxic plastic shit. Nurdles (yes I learnt a new word), cigarette filters, pen lids, parts of food containers, bottle lids… the list goes on, but I don’t want to. It’s depressing, the earth deserves so much better than this, than us. This is our home, it should be treated as sacred. The planet is being ruined, and it’s truly painful to witness.

We collected a bucket; the impact made to the tiny bit of beach we scoured, minimal. It is hard not to feel disheartened by this. Will it stop me doing small things to help the Earth? No, of course not, but the human-led destruction of this beautiful planet is working a hell of a lot faster than two people with some spare time and a bucket.

Us “little people” are not the problem, and don’t get gas-lit into thinking you are. The problem comes from the “top of the food chain” - from the powerful elite, the filthy rich, the big corporations, the oil companies - and we are left to pick up the pieces on our shores. I cannot scream “FUCK THE SYSTEM” loud or often enough. Yes of course recycle, don’t litter, pick up trash if you see it.. but we also must take action to dismantle the structures that are signing our planetary death wish.

They keep us divided, counting on us battling wars with each other so we pay little attention to them, they keep us distracted, overworked and underpaid, too tired and uninspired to even consider standing up against the rules they set in place. There’s power in numbers though people, and there are a hell of a lot more of us than there are them. This is why connection to each other is paramount, whether that be in flesh or online, show up in your communities - this will be our saviour. If we connect to one another, remember that we are all one; if we stand together for change, there is hope. To offer strength and encouragement to our brothers and sisters, to come together in love. If we can unite, we can create and build a better world than what is currently on offer.

*insert imagery of this dream utopia here*

I instinctively went to say sorry for the mini rant-ramble and caught myself (yay, growth) - I will not apologise. It’s in my disposition to go from zero to “burn the system to the ground” in minimal manoeuvres. And, well.. I just want the beach to be a beautiful place to pick pretty shells; for me, for you, for everyone.

Intuitive Energy Healing and Intuitive Card Readings sessions available; pop me a message to book. Further info under the ‘My Services’ tab.

My services are available online, at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire or from the comfort of your own home (location dependant).

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