Happy November you beautiful souls, here is a little pick a card for your month ahead.

Take a moment to still your breath and go within, find that inner knowing. Then pick whichever pile feels right for you, and scroll down to the comments to see what November what bring.

Much autumnal love being sent your way πŸ‚



This month balance is being called for, a need to bring yourself back into balance to be precise. 

Avolokiteshvara is a Buddhist deity, and he comes in raining compassion down on you. Soak it all up, let it seep into every inch of your being. This is the key element you have been missing and is essential if you’d like to reinstate a level of calm in your reality.

What is the big, bad, scary that is keeping you stuck?

Kali comes in not to give us fear, but to help us overcome it. Powerful and fierce, a force of nature that assists us in breaking down the delusions of our ego that keep us trapped. Have patience with the process, and deep compassion for yourself through it. Shadow work is a fucker, but it is only through doing it that balance can be restored. 


This month you are being encouraged to nurture your inner child and their sense of play. Children play naturally, they are curious by nature and learn through discovery. Bast comes in with a strong message - β€œYou’ve forgotten how to play”. This is not to say you should forego all your responsibilities, life is about balance after all. It is just suggesting that the scales are currently tipping heavy on the work and duties side. 

The Empress is the loving and protective mother, the picture-perfect portrait of the nurturing feminine soul. To cox your inner child out to play, this is the touch you need to approach them with. Call to your inner child, welcome them into your arms with unconditional love and encourage them to have a go at steering the ship for a while - your belief in them will get them to the helm. 

Trust them to lead the way, follow in fascination and see what fun you can have. You’ll be surprised at how much this can widen your horizons. 


This month you may find you have a sudden burst of brilliance, think light bulb moment - *ping*!! This new way of thinking will be a revelation, a solution to a problem that’s been plaguing you or perhaps inspiration for a new project to get started. 

Your light bulb moment is divine inspiration, a gift given for you to use. Hera comes in to remind you that commitment is the key element to success. She offers you strength, and supports you through any and all adversities. It is time to level up, and that requires dedication to the task at hand.

Aces always represent new beginnings, so know that by following this path of creative thinking, a new chapter of your story is starting. And remember, the level of fruition will be mirrored in your level of commitment. 


Intuitive Energy Healing and Intuitive Card Readings sessions available; pop me a message to book. Further info under the β€˜My Services’ tab.

My services are available online, at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire or from the comfort of your own home (location dependant).

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