Past the crowds of people, she stands ablaze.

I was 18 years old the last time I attended the Summer Solstice here. At 34, that past version of myself was mirrored back to me in real time across the swarms of strangers faces. They know little of the magick of this place, unaware of the energy that vibrates beneath the dew damp grass. They came to party till dawn, and saw no sacredness in the rising sun.

There was no honouring of the belly fire for me then. Now, it was impossible to ignore.

The fire ached my core, passing through me like summer wildfire’s, roaring loudly.

I felt the shifts beneath the Earths surface. Infusions of destruction and growth, the birthing of untamed passionate creations, the fiercely wild fruition of the Divine Feminine.

Hear Mother, and claim what is yours.

She is the whisper at your ear.

She is your call to arms.

She is the boiling in your blood.

She is reaching up & opening out.

She is death & rebirth. She is flow.

All you need do is press your hands to your heart, as if it were your ear to the ground, and listen.

As above, so below. She sings.

Burn brightly & feed your inner witch.

The sun see’s all today, my love. Solstice blessings.


Intuitive Energy Healing and Intuitive Card Readings sessions available; pop me a message to book. Further info under the ‘My Services’ tab.

My services are available online, at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire or from the comfort of your own home (location dependant).

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