What do you do when you have a crazy summer jam-packed full of retreats & ceremonies?

Pull enough cards to cover your living room floor.. obviously.

For me, Summer Solstice was not just a celebration of the light and the change in season, it marked the opening of a gateway into what will be an intense few months to come. I have a deep knowing that this liminal space upon which I have entered, the one that dances between what has been & what is to come, is a vital component in my soul's journey.

I crossed the threshold with trepidation yet unwavering faith in the divine. There is a heaviness that calls for my surrender here.

I am diving for light, and into the abyss I go. Past the crashing waves and seagull shrieks, there is a stillness I am seeking. I stare boldly into the dark waters where my deepest fears lie dormant. Like sheets of black obsidian, reflected back are heart-crushing truths and paradigm-shifting inevitabilities.

“Let go” the water whispers.

One must be willing to bear the darkness and understand it has a purpose. When peace is sought, we must go to war with our inner demons. There is no escape, only mastery of fear.

My mentor once said to me: “If you don’t want to be blindsided by the depths of your own being, you need to be in dialogue with those depths as you move through”.

Card readings are my tool of communication, and big journeys mean big card spreads. I pull cards to gleam a hint of understanding of what is to come, for clarity, for a peak beyond the veil. It creates a temporary connection to those places of the future that are kept shrouded in fog. My feet feel around gingerly, and although I cannot see the ground on which they settle, it allows me to find my footing. Ceremonial spaces are deeply rich but inevitably soul-shaking. The gift the cards grant me is a grounding of my anxiety levels, enabling me to physically enter each space without nervous system overload, ensuring I get the most out of each experience.

This summer, I am being invited to swim head-first through this haunting landscape of my unconscious mind, but now I am not going in blind. My demons may hiss and snarl, but I shall offer nothing but unconditional love in return. The mirrors will shift and smash under pressure, sending shimmering shards of rebirth outward, calling in the tides of change. I am the spark that transmutes this flow of energy. I will sink so far down that I break the surface of a new dawn. A phoenix rising from watery depths & blackened ash.


Do you have any big life events coming up where you would like some clarity? Let’s look beyond the veil together, I would love to help you find your footing.

Intuitive Energy Healing and Intuitive Card Readings sessions available; pop me a message to book. Further info under the ‘My Services’ tab.

My services are available online, at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire or from the comfort of your own home (location dependant).

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