Deep breaths pretty people! This incoming Full Moon is here to shake things up and the tensions that have been rising will be looking for a release point! A time of awakening and being forced outside your comfort zone, these energies are shocking and wildly unpredictable. Expect the unexpected and do your best to adapt. Feel the mounting pressure, there’s opportunity in this intensity - remember, even diamonds start as coal! 

If your nervous system is overloaded and overwhelmed, practice self-care with some grounding practices and relaxing herbal teas. 

Full moon peaks at 19.26 on the 19th. Pick a card for some assistance in how to ride the waves of crazy as best you can.

Close your eyes, calm your mind and centre your energy at your heart centre. Take a few deep breaths before opening your eyes and choose the pile you are most drawn to. Scroll down for your reading.

🌕 ♒️

Herbal blends are available to purchase, a great way to shift your energetic frequencies into alignment. Personalised blends can be created to cater for your specific needs, get in touch for more info.

Wild - to embody divine wild feminine energy

Sol - to embody divine masculine energy

Luna - to embody divine feminine energy

Mary - to embody divine mother energy

Want to dig a little deeper with a personal reading? Send me a message to book. I’ll be back to work on 21st August. 

My services are offered online or at my studio in Eastleigh, Hampshire. Gift Vouchers are also available. 


Unmask yourself from fear and doubt, it is time to wave goodbye to any and all misplaced guilt and shame. Surrender the belief you hold that you need to be punished, you don’t. It is through the discomfort, the process of learning life’s tough lessons that we find our treasure - dare to look within yourself to find the light. 

Dance in the face of this full moon's crazy! Chase away the darkness with optimism in your heart, move your body to express your joy and keep your focus on hope to encourage you forwards. 

Choose to celebrate the stirrings of new being offered as you conquer over all that no longer serves. Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield is going round and round in my head; put it on loud and RELEASE YOUR INHIBITIONS (sorry, not sorry).


Make way for joyful liberation, the old you is on the way out! You are in an intense window right now, with rapid change on the horizon. This may come as a shock, with life demanding that you step up to the next stage of maturity unexpectedly. Despite what you may think, you ARE prepared; your life experiences and accumulated wisdom will be put to good use during this full moon - and beyond. 

Into a new cycle you go.. whoosh. Surrender any fear that these rumblings stir up, now is a great time to set things in motion. That voice that has been calling you away from the places you’ve long outgrown - don’t deny it any longer. This is an intense process of emergence that requires you to shed another layer of that ego; rattling your cage not to cause you discomfort, but so you can break free from the reliances that have been holding you back. 

Don’t shy away from the waves of crazy that are rolling in, dare to ride them instead. Lean into the unconventional, unusual and bizarre. Choose excitement, allow yourself to open to ideas of greater fulfilment and set things in motion for future yield. 


You are completing a cycle of cleansing and purifying shadow aspects of self, anything remaining that you’ve been suppressing and denying in an attempt to to keep it out of your conscious awareness is likely to surface now. What is submerged deep down inside of you that scares you so much?

Let it rise up from the depths of your being. Allow the rain to fall and hydrate these starved shadows - they are in desperate need of your attention and affection. It may feel overwhelming, but welcome them home so the lessons can be integrated and your energies stabilised. 

This full moon will kick start a new level of experience for you, where your powers of manifestation will be heightened. If you stay stuck in old patterns, you will only attract more of the same in this new cycle. Do the inner work, embrace the crazy as it slaps you in the face and trust in the process. Let the ice around your heart melt so the beautiful abundance you dream of can flow to you. 


