With its beautiful and bold lion's heart leading the way, this new moon is encouraging us to lead our own lives in the exact same manner. New moons offer us a fresh start, a chance to start anew, and you are being called to believe in yourself and your power as you set your intentions this month. 

Put the building blocks down for your future with strong foundations, but have fun whilst you do it. Make your wishes with childlike wonder, play wild and free. As you recommit to what is meaningful to you, be creative and do it joyfully. Passion baby, embody it! 

This pick a card reading will help to shine a light on where you are blocked and struggling to align with your true hearts desires. 

Close your eyes, calm your mind and centre your energy at your lion's heart. Take a few deep breaths before opening your eyes and choose the pile you are most drawn to. Scroll down for your reading.


Want to dig a little deeper with a personal reading? Send me a message to book.

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It is time to revisit and reevaluate the beliefs you hold about yourself, the ones where you tell yourself you are not worthy and not enough - cause you are! 

The King of Rods is a natural-born leader, a visionary who boldly takes control to actualise the big picture he’s been dreaming up. He chooses a path and embarks on it, pure fire energy pushing forward with focus and determination. He’s not here for you to follow, but to lead by example and encourage you to forge your own way. 

You have a vision but feel too weak to bring it into form. You are holding onto preconceived notions that you are unable, and these inherited beliefs are restricting you. What limiting self-beliefs have you acquired from your family, culture, education systems, friends? In identifying the untruths that have been served to us throughout our lives, we can start to untangle ourselves from them. 

Allow the energy of your Root chakra to retreat from the areas of your life that have you stuck in negative and detrimental ideas about your worth. Do not fear the shake-up of your system that will come from pulling up roots that have been firmly in place for years, in leaving your comfort zone you will be stepping into your power. Take yourself out of the shadows, and find a beautiful place in the sun to plant yourself under this new moon. 


It’s getting hot in here! Your heart is hungry with the truth of its desire, it is time to welcome the heat so the icy exterior that’s been keeping you withdrawn can melt away.

The Page of Swords comes bursting in with curiosity and a thirst for knowledge and is encouraging you to mirror this enthusiasm. This is all about exploration, with no concern about mastery, so leave your concerns about fucking up at the door and get excited about pursuing your passions. There will always be challenges in life, do not allow fear to keep you frozen. Awaken to the possibilities that will come your way as you allow your internal fire to rage. 

Use the Leo energy of this new moon to assist you in embodying and embracing the creative fire of your being. Allow yourself to open up to the sacred power of your sexual energy that sits at your Sacral chakra; honour your passions and desires in outward expressions.

Surface level; open yourself to the beauty of genuine connection. Communicate your sexual longings and go eagerly to play! 

Deeper soul level; it's still playtime but as a channel of the divine. Sexual energy is a pure expression of your creative life force, acknowledge and explore this. 


There is something from the past that you need to forgive and let go of, it is time to remove yourself from the veil that is imprisoning you. 

The Hanged Man is asking you to release old ways, past patterns and possibly even people. Let go of all that no longer serves you, so that you’re able to see the world from a fresh new perspective. You are keeping yourself stuck in the dark by holding onto a version of a story that simply isn’t true, and in doing so the new light is struggling to emerge. 

Pause and reflect, and be honest with yourself about what or who is preventing you from moving forward towards your true hearts desires. New moons are a time for new beginnings, so set your intentions towards the actions necessary to remove these blocks from your reality. These blocks are a hindrance to your confidence, and the Leo energy of this moon will give you that boost to roar back to life with pride. 

Change your regularly scheduled programming to shift your energy so you can flow more freely again. It is time to regain your footing and rise up, taking back your deep inner power and claiming your self-worth. Connect back in with source, into that internal guiding light at your Solar Plexus chakra, and let your inner sun shine bright. 


